Monday, March 26, 2012

Disruptive Innovation - Interview with Clayton Christensen

Clayton Christensen, the author behind Disruptive Innovation, was featured recently in a video interview from HBR, where he describes the basics of his ideas.

Disruptive Innovation occurs when a particular technology is produced more efficiently and opens the doors to new business solutions that markets can adopt in an easier fashion.   As an example, mainframe computers where once the norm, and only big corporations or big education organizations had them.  But later, a series of disruptive innovations happened over time, and the mainframe evolved into a personal computer, laptop and now into smartphone and tablet computers, every time making it easier for the masses to adopt and use them.

As a result of Disruptive Innovation, companies face the Innovators Dilemma.  This happens when companies  ignore markets that are susceptible to disruptive innovations, many times because they currently have a profitable solution for the markets they are currently serving.  Thus, sometimes the traditional advice of "focusing on the customer" can become counter productive for management.   You could argue that something similar happened to Kodak during the last decade, and as a result they filed for bankruptcy earlier this year.  

How are you dealing with the Innovator's Dilemma in your company?

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